
God’s returns are far greater than we could ever create on our own. This type of compounding growth only happens though, when we (our hearts) are in a place to receive it, accept it and share it. Good soil is the ingredient - a noble heart can produce a return for the Kingdom of God that has exponential growth & implications far beyond worldly measurements and benefits.

Social Impact Investing is a worldly model to see that financial investments have impact on more than just the bottom-line. Kingdom Impact Investing is the way of 4th Soil Investments. Its intent is to utilize and invest God’s resources in ways to further His Kingdom here on earth with a particular emphasis and mission towards building redemptive community - physically, relationally and spiritually. It’s more than investing in a company with Christian values…it’s investing in real estate - physical community - with the intent and purpose that the relational and spiritual community will benefit as well, not just the investor, and the Gospel will be advanced in large or small ways through the goals and objectives of each project.